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Erin Cavanaugh

Master of Microbial Biotechnology 

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Erin Cavanaugh

BS in Microbiology 2022

Master in Microbial Biotechnology 2023

(919) 621-8268

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My name is Erin Cavanaugh, and I am a first-year student in the Master of Microbial Biotechnology (MMB) program at NC State University and in the last year of pursuing a Bachelor's of Science in Microbiology with a minor in Science, Technology, and Society. With the experience I've gained in my education, I hope to work with biotechnology companies developing new products with applications in the treatment of human health and disease. I am a dedicated and passionate student with a love of finding new ways to connect existing knowledge to new innovation and an interest in bridging the gaps between science, industry, and the public. 

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